Here's What You'll Learn:

You are empowered to be the person God created you to be when you grow in awareness of the nature of your identity, what gifts you've been given, and how those gifts can serve the church + the world. And so that's what we'll be talking about.

  • You'll learn who you are in the family of God, why it's true, and why it matters to discerning your charisms

  • You'll learn what charisms/spiritual gifts are, where this idea comes from in the Bible and the history of the Church, and what 26 charisms the Church recognizes.

  • You'll have the opportunity to take your own charism assessment, the starting point for beginning your own discernment journey.

  • You'll learn what you need to know about how and why to further discern your charisms and receive the resources and support to do so after the retreat ends.

The Holy Spirit has more for you.

Are you open to stepping into it through awareness of the specific gifts He's given to you?

Retreat Overview:

you'll dive into who you are, why that matters to charisms, what charisms are, how you discern them, and much more

    1. Welcome to Charism Discernment

    2. Download Your Workbook + Assessment

    1. Intro to Identity

    2. Activity - Where is Your Identity Based Today?

    1. Overview of Charisms + Historical Roots

    2. Intro to Specific Charisms

    1. Charism Assessment

    2. You've Taken the Assessment - What Now? Continuing in Discernment

    1. Further Resources for Discernment

    2. The Uprising Academy Resource Library

Quick Takes:

  • 10 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content
  • 40+ page workbook with definitions, references, and discernment resources
  • Comprehensive Charism Assessment

Choose Your Access

Pick from 30 day access, ongoing access, or ongoing access with the addition of a 30 minute solo call with Jill to further your discernment process (subject to availability). Every retreat includes access to one use of the digital Charism Assessment.

Meet Your Teacher

Jill Simons

Retreat Guide

I am a daughter of God blessed with beautiful formation in faith, discernment, and Christian spirituality through Encounter School of Ministry, Benedictine College, and my own walk with God. I am also a wife and mom of 4 currently serving as Creative Director at Pink Salt Riot.

What You'll Receive in this Retreat:

learn at your own pace with instant, on-demand access to the whole retreat

  • Overview of Charisms/ Spiritual Gifts

    Learn what charisms/spiritual gifts are, why they are given, who they are for, and what the church teaches about having and using them.

  • Your Own Charism Assessment

    Don't start from scratch guessing at what your charisms might be. Take our comprehensive assessment to find out your most likely gifts to continue to discern.

  • Discern with Freedom

    Don't discern with fear, worry, or doubt clouding your vision. We'll give you everything you need to make sure you can further discern with freedom and clarity.

Are you in?

Just choose your access to get started!